Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I got set apart tonight, it was the warmest feeling. A feeling I haven't felt since I got baptized 11 years ago. I was humbled by the wonderful people surrounding me in the circle putting such a blessing upon my head. What a wonderful thing the priesthood is, I felt as if I was radiating pure love and warmth, that all that I felt I could not contain. I pray, that this is the feeling I can give to other people that need it.
My choice to serve a mission was not something I took lightly. I thought, and questioned, and changed my mind, and changed it back so many times I lost count. The day I received my call I told my sister that I only wanted one thing, to go somewhere it rains all the time. That day I got my call to Seattle I felt it in my entire being that that was the place for me. I believe the rain is the heavens way of telling me that everything is going to be alright. The rain is there to wash away all the bad things and start anew. So everyday it rains, and everyday I go through a trial, I will look at that beautiful rain and remember that the past is gone, it's time to begin again.
I send all of my love to all of you. I will miss you very much. But I am so excited to get to work.